Can You Refreeze Cheese? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Can You Refreeze Cheese

Cheese is an excellent flavor enhancer, and it works great as a topping or as an ingredient in several meals. So having it frozen at home not only saves you some money and a trip to your local market, but also enables you to use it whenever you want. If you have defrosted more than you need and don’t want to waste it, you might wonder, can you refreeze cheese?

Refreezing cheese is not a handy solution, but you can freeze it in portions if you follow instructions cautiously. However, you will notice a degradation in the taste and texture. Portion freezing will prevent it from being ruined by unnecessary thawing and refreezing.

You can safely eat properly refrozen cheese for up to 6 months.
It is best to follow the precautions or else, you might end up with spoiled cheese, and consuming it will harm your health. You can check this article out to know how to refreeze it for a long time.

Is it Safe to Refreeze Cheese?

It would be best to avoid refreezing cheese as it significantly deteriorates the quality and texture. However, if you have already defrosted a larger quantity, you can consider the refreezing option. It will prevent unnecessary food wastage as long as you follow the correct procedure.

Cheese left at room temperature for more than two hours should not be frozen/refrozen or used as the bacteria and microbes might have already started multiplying by then. Thus, ideal refreezing would be before the ice crystals melt to yield the desired results.

Similarly, you can refreeze sealed cheese as long as you defrost it before the ice crystals disappear from its surface.

Another crucial factor that decides whether the cheese will refreeze well or not is your method of defrosting. If you thaw it in a refrigerator, it can be safely refrozen.

However, other defrosting techniques like microwaving or over-the-counter might not complement the refreezing process. So, it is better to use it immediately or discard it because it is no longer safe for refreezing.

If you don’t like the taste and texture after refreezing, you can use it in cooked/baked meals.

What Type of Cheese is Safe for Refreezing?

Some varieties of cheese freeze effortlessly, while others are best when consumed fresh. So it would be best to make sure the type you are using is freezer-friendly.

Although food safety sources rarely recommend refreezing, some types of cheese can undergo continuous freezing. However, keep in mind that refreezing won’t have a pleasant effect, leaving you slightly disappointed by the taste and the texture.

Mostly it is considered safe to refreeze hard and semi-hard cheese. But, before proceeding, it is also important to remember that cheese that is supposed to be eaten raw should not be frozen/refrozen.

Some varieties that can you can refreeze by careful handling are:

  • Cheddar
  • Mozzarella
  • Pizza cheese
  • Swiss
  • Provolone, etc.

On the other hand, a few types that you must not freeze or refreeze include:

  • Blue Cheese
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Feta
  • Paneer
  • Parmesan, etc.

The list of freezable versus non- freezable cheeses will ease you in deciding whether your favorite one is safe for refreezing or not.

Best Way to Refreeze Cheese

You can follow these instructions to refreeze the cheese safely.

  1. Cut the thawed/defrosted cheese into pieces and divide it into meal-size portions. Refreezing individually will help you take out the needed amount only.
  2. After that, tightly double wrap the pieces in plastic wraps or place the portions in airtight bags. When putting the pieces in airtight bags, make sure to press out the extra air to minimize the risk of contamination.
  3. Next, put the individually wrapped portions in a freezer-safe container and seal them properly.
  4. Lastly, place the sealed container in the freezer and let it freeze.

How Long Can You Refreeze Cheese?

You can safely refreeze cheese for more than five months. However, refreezing might alter the overall quality as it is not the best way of storing your food. It can be applied in a few circumstances when you have accidentally thawed too much.

Instead of refreezing the whole quantity of cheese, you can freeze in separate batches. This way, you won’t have to refreeze it, and the quality won’t further degrade.

How to Tell if The Cheese Has Spoiled?

You can tell the cheese has gone bad if you notice the signs mentioned below.

  • Molds – if you notice green, black, or white spots that appear on the surface, it means that the cheese has gone bad.
  • Smell – if you notice a sour or unpleasant odor, it’s also a sign that it is no longer safe for consumption.
  • Taste – a weird/funny taste is another indication that it has spoiled.
    If you notice any of these signs, it is better to immediately throw away the cheese, as eating it can cause food poisoning or other serious illness.

Note: If you spot a mold on the surface of soft cheese, it’s a sign that the whole thing is spoiled, and you should discard it instantly. However, in the case of hard cheese, you can slice off the mold and safely eat the rest if you want.


Refreezing is an option only if you don’t want to waste the cheese whatsoever. Otherwise, freezing in portions is a much better way to store it. Refrozen cheese will have an unpleasant taste and texture, so it’s best if you use it after cooking/baling/grilling.

You can safely use it in your foods to enhance their flavor. Refreezing can act as a food-saving alternative, cutting down the wastage drastically. As an outcome, it also reduces unnecessary food costs.

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Tauseeq is the principal creator of He loves cooking and wants to help others overcome kitchen challenges through practical advice and solutions.

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