Can You Refreeze Stock? (Here’s How)

Can you refreeze stock

Stock is the foundation of cooking, and you might feel the urge to store them for future use. When you finally use it for preparing a meal, you might want to preserve the unused quantity.

But, after one round of freezing, it can make you reluctant to try the same process again. Thus, you may want to inquire, can you refreeze stock?

You can safely refreeze stock, and it will remain in the freezer for more than a month. Ensure to thaw the stock in the refrigerator or, it won’t refreeze well. Use wide-mouthed mason jars for storing your liquid food and vacuum seal. Market-bought stock freezes in its canned packaging if you have not opened it.

Refreezing stock can provide many advantages if you follow all the steps carefully. This article discusses different stock kinds and how to refreeze them correctly.

Is It Safe To Refreeze Stock After Thawing?

As a flavorful liquid, a stock is often known as the chef’s building block. If you are a kitchen enthusiast, you might agree with how important it is to have stock prepared with you all the time. It works well as we live a fast-paced life these days.

The good news is once you thaw frozen stock, you can refreeze it again without worrying about rancidity or food safety. However, always thaw stock in the refrigerator, or it might not refreeze. This rule applies to store-bought and homemade stock because other defrosting practices do not complement the twice-freezing.

Similarly, if you use your stock for creating a tasty soup, you can keep it stored in the freezer. As long as it thaws in the fridge, you can carry on with the refreezing process. Also, always store in sturdy containers or mason jars and vacuum seal. It will help keep the stock long-lasting and decrease the chances of contamination.

Though refreezing the stock is safe and causes no health issues, it might change the taste and texture. If you don’t mind a slight quality change, refreezing is the way to go.

Can You Refreeze Different Stock Varieties?

There are categories of stock, and everyone has their favorite pick. Let’s find out if you can refreeze them all.

Chicken stock

When you defrost homemade chicken stock and realize it is more than you require for the recipe. You can successfully place the rest back in the freezer. But before you pop them back, bring the remaining to a boil. It will stop the bacteria from multiplying rapidly inside the stock.

Always cool down the stock and keep it securely in Ziploc bags or jars. It is a fundamental step as it prevents losing many of the stock’s nutrients and flavors.

Meat stock

The beef stock also responds well to refreezing but only if you thaw it in the fridge. Also, the maximum refrigeration span is around three days for defrosting. If you exceed this limit, the stock might be at risk of contamination, and you can no longer refreeze it.

Refreezing can alter the quality of your meat stock, and you may notice taste changes. However, adding herbs and spices can help revive all the lost flavors.

Fish stock

As fish is prone to spoil quicker, you need extra careful handling with the fish stock. Always store in air-tight jars to minimize its contact with air. If you allow them to sit in an open environment for more than two hours, they might get contaminated, and you have to discard the stock.

You can freeze your fish stock in ice cube trays and thaw only the required amount. This way, it will remain shelf-stable and save the time and effort you put into thawing and freezing.

The Best Way To Refreeze Stock?

Whether you plan to create a sauce or some soup, the stock is an essential ingredient you cannot skip. Thus, it becomes crucial to bulk store it in the freezer for emergencies.

The below-listed steps will help you refreeze stock and yield great results.

  • First of all, if your stock is still warm, cool it down before placing it in the freezer. The high internal temperature can make it prone to freezer burns and spoilage.
  • Once the stock reaches the right temperature, pour them into mason jars or heavy-duty freezer bags.
  • Do not overfill and allow an inch or two space at the top for liquid expansion.
  • Cover it tightly and place it in a safe corner of the freezer, where it gets a consistent temperature.
  • If your store-bought stock is in a tin can, you can directly transfer it to the freezer. Add a layer of plastic wrap to ensure safety and avoid spillage.
  • Lastly, mention the date of refreezing on the box/ container and let it refreeze for the desired time.

Note: if you forgot your stock after thawing and it exposes to the open air for longer than recommended, avoid refreezing them at any cost. It may no longer be safe for storage, and you should discard it.

How Long Can You Refreeze Stock?

When you finally decide to refreeze the stock variety, you might have to do some prep work for effective results. As refreezing has a lot to do with your thawing method, you need to keep it in your mind. Refrigerator thawing is a necessary step for freezing the stock again.

If you thaw in the fridge, you can proceed and refreeze the stock for up to three months. With time, the taste will deteriorate, but it doesn’t mean the stock is spoiled. You can still consume it the way you prefer, and it will not be bad for your health.

Similarly, canned beef/chicken stock remains frozen for a decent time if the packaging remains intact. To further maximize the refreezing span, cover in glass or plastic containers. Besides, your broth, both homemade and commercially produced, should not sit at the kitchen counter for an extended period. It might decrease the shelf life of the stock, in a few cases, spoil it.

The Best Way To Defrost Frozen Stock

Usually, when you are in a rush, you might place the stock container in a warm water bath or a microwave. Although these methods are fast, they might not favor the refreezing process. For instance, when you place the stock in a microwave, it reaches a high internal temperature. As an outcome, you have to consume the whole amount at hand as it is on the verge of spoilage.

The high internal temperature is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to spread. Thus, refreezing the stock might not save it from turning rancid. If you consume it after freezing, it can make you sick and cause food poisoning.

The ideal way to defrost your frozen stock is in a refrigerator. It might be time-taking, but the results are worth all the effort. Generally, it takes a day or two for the stock to thaw. The time can be more or less depending on the amount and size of the container.


Refreezing your stock is a great alternative to prolong its shelf-life. Many kinds of stock, including meat, poultry, and vegetables, can freeze again after thawing. But, it is crucial to defrost it in the fridge and not on the countertop.

The correct safety packaging is yet another factor that will help in allowing the stock to last longer. If you fail to pack it well, the harsh freezer air will destroy the healthy nutrients present inside. The flavors will vanish, and all your hard work will be in vain.

By implementing some precautionary steps, you can store your stock for many months and reduce the chances of food wastage. If you do not want to opt for refreezing, you can instead freeze your stock in ice cube trays.



Tauseeq is the principal creator of He loves cooking and wants to help others overcome kitchen challenges through practical advice and solutions.

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