The rich tomato sauce and cheese combined with spiced ground beef, layered in lasagna strips, make it irresistible. Keeping it frozen at home is an excellent option for those who can’t bake it fresh every time they want to eat some. But what to do when you thaw the whole dish and you don’t want to waste the leftovers. In that case, you may wonder can you refreeze lasagna?
You can safely refreeze homemade/store-bought lasagna. Properly refrozen lasagna will hold its taste for 6-8 months. Refreezing it more than twice is not recommended, you can instead refreeze it in portions which will enable you to take out the required pieces only. Once refrozen it should be consumed as soon as possible to enjoy the optimum flavor.
If you are not careful with refreezing the lasagna, you may end up spoiling it. So to avoid ruining it, you need to follow the refreezing steps properly. To make sure it refreezes well and lasts you a long time, you can follow the instructions given below.
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Is it Safe to Refreeze Lasagna?
If you are careful enough with the refreezing process, you can safely refreeze uncooked and cooked lasagna. How well it refreezes depends on what ingredients you have used and how well you have prepared it for freezing.
Some ingredients used in it freeze better than others. Similarly, there are a few ingredients that don’t tolerate freezing well. Before you proceed with the refreezing steps, you need to make sure that all the ingredients used are freezer-friendly.
You should know that cooked and uncooked lasagna that has thawed in the refrigerator can be safely refrozen for up to 2-3 months. On the other hand, if it has thawed out at room temperature or in a microwave, it is recommended to eat it up immediately or throw it away.
Lasagna sitting outside the fridge or freezer for more than two hours should not be refrozen or eaten, as there’s a huge risk that the bacteria have already started growing, and eating it can cause food poisoning.
How to Safely Refreeze Lasagna?
By properly following the refreezing instructions listed below, you can accomplish this safely.
- First, take the thawed lasagna and divide it into portions according to your preference. Making portions before refreezing will help you quickly take out the needed amount.
- Carefully wrap the individual slices in plastic wrap or cling film.
- After wrapping, put it in a sturdy freezer-safe bag or container. Doing so will help you significantly lower the risk of freezer burn.
- Once you are satisfied with the wrapping process, put a label on the container where you will be storing it. Labeling the container will help you track how much longer it is safe to keep it refrozen.
- Lastly, place the container in a cold part in the freezer.
Note: To ensure safe refreezing, avoid stacking the slices on top of one another. Instead, place the slices in a single layer to help them freeze properly.
How Long is it Safe to Keep the Lasagna Refrozen?
You can store properly refrozen cooked lasagna in the freezer for almost three months.
Cooked lasagna tastes best when used within the 3-month time limit. After this limit passes, it is not advised to eat the lasagna as you will notice a compromised taste and texture. It is also possible that it might have started spoiling after the recommended time.
Uncooked/unopened lasagna can be safely kept refrozen for 6-8 months.
An unopened package of lasagna will taste best if you use it within eight months. Even after the 8-month limit crosses, you can use it, but the quality and texture will be negatively affected.
Uncooked lasagna has a slightly shorter shelf-life and tastes best when used within 3-6 months. If you store it any longer, it will rapidly lose its flavor and quality.
Can You Refreeze Lasagna More Than Once?
You can safely refreeze lasagna once or twice, but refreezing it several times is not recommended.
Refreezing it, again and again, will not only negatively impact its flavor and texture but will also decrease the overall quality. The constant thawing and freezing will make the strips soggy. Also, some of the ingredients used to prepare it may not tolerate freezing that well.
To avoid refreezing it more than twice, you can refreeze it in portions. Refreezing the lasagna in portions will help you thaw the required slices only, saving the rest of the slices from unnecessary thawing and increasing their shelf-life.
How to Tell if the Lasagna Has Spoiled?
You can easily tell if the lasagna has spoiled or gone bad if you observe any of the signs mentioned below.
Sour smell – the easiest way to tell if the lasagna has spoiled or not is by carefully sniffing it. If the cheese and Bolognese/tomato sauce used in it emit a rotten smell, you should discard it immediately.
Molds – molds are the black, white, or green spots that appear on the surface of lasagna. If you observe any molds on the surface, you should immediately discard them.
Dried-out strips – the dried-out lasagna strips also indicate that it is no longer fit for consumption. Once you notice that the strips have started looking weird, you should throw it out.
If you notice any of the mentioned signs, it’s best to throw it away even if the time limit hasn’t crossed. Eating spoiled lasagna can cause food poisoning, so it’s best to stay on the safe side and avoid eating anything you feel has spoiled.
Refreezing cooked/uncooked lasagna is a great way to have a slice of it whenever you want. To increase its shelf-life for an extended period, you can refreeze it in meal-size portions. Doing so will help you take out the required amount only so that the remaining part can retain most of the freshness and flavor.
If you are not careful with handling it, you may end up with spoiled lasagna. To avoid this situation, you can follow the above-mentioned refreezing steps.